Tips Vokal Ampuh No.2

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.2
Sebelumnya saya sudah share Tips Vokal Ampuh No.1 
Berikut ini adalah Tips Vokal Ampuh No.2 : 

  1. Dari manapun anda belajar musik, satu hal pasti sama, yaitu kemajuan yang nyata ada di praktek dan latihan.
  2. Banyak orang yg punya cita2 nyanyi di atas panggung tidak berani mewujudkannya karena takut. Bukan takut gagal, tapi takut akan kritik.
  3. Chest voice adalah register (bagian) suara tengah ke bawah. Sprt suara kt bicara. Head voice register atas, tipis sprt suara Mickey Mouse.
  4. Ada orang yg merasa tertekan di hadapan penonton. Tapi ada juga yg justru mendapat energi dr penonton, itulah performer sejati.
  5. Every voice is unique. Trying to sound like somebody else is actually harmful because it’s not natural.
  6. Secara singkat : Artikulasi adalah bagaimana kita membentuk kata2. Diksi adalah kejelasan lirik. Frasering adalah pemenggalan kalimat.
  7. Jadilah penyanyi yang Anda sendiri ingin dengar.
Terkait : Tips Vokal Ampuh No.2, Tips Vokal Jitu, Tips Vokal Hebat, Tips Vokal Terbaik

Free Download MP3 The Rock - Selir Hati

Free Download MP3 The Rock - Selir Hati - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 The Rock - Selir Hati

Info :
Group Band : The Rock
Name : Selir Hati
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

Download :

Related : Free Download MP3 The Rock - Selir Hati, download Selir Hati, The Rock Indonesia

Demi Menjadi Arsitek, Anisa Keluar Dari Cherry Belle

Demi Menjadi Arsitek, Anisa Keluar Dari Cherry Belle
Demi Menjadi Arsitek, Anisa Keluar Dari Cherry Belle, Morgan Oey bekas personel boyband SM*SH sebelum resmi mengundurkan diri dari SM*SH sempat mengeluarkan alasan keluar dari SM*SH karena ingin menyelesaikan kuliah.

Namun, ternyata Morgan menjalin kontrak dengan rumah produksi Sinemart untuk jadi pelakon di sinetron kejar tayang Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan : The Series yang ditayangkan RCTI.

Senasib dengan SM*SH, Cherry Belle (Chibi) juga kehilangan salah satu personelnya, Anisa Rahma, yang resmi mengundurkan diri pada 18 Oktober 2013. Anisa memilih keluar dari Chibi karena harus menyelesaikan kuliah arsiteknya yang terbengkalai dua tahun lamanya.

Produser Chibi, Deddy Wijanarko, tak mempermasalahkan jika  akhirnya Anisa juga mengikuti jejak Morgan untuk menjalani karier sendirian.

"Setelah ini apa yang dilakukan Annisa sudah bukan hak kami lagi," ucap Deddy saat dihubungi wartawan melalui telefon, Minggu (20/10/2013).

Begitu juga pihak manajemen Chibi tak akan menahan Anisa yang ingin menggapai cita-cita menjadi seorang arsitek.

"Kami enggak bisa menutup masa depan dia. Annisa harus belajar untuk mencapai jenjang yang tinggi," ujarnya.

Terkait : Demi Menjadi Arsitek, Anisa Keluar Dari Cherry Belle, Anisa Rahma Keluar Dari Cherry Belle, Arsitek, Keluar, Cherry Belle, Anisa Ikuti Morgan Keluar

Fatin Malu Saat Tampil Bersama Afgan

Fatin Malu Saat Tampil Bersama Afgan
Fatin Malu Saat Tampil Bersama Afgan, Tampil satu panggung bersama Afgan membuat Fatin Shidqia Lubis tersipu malu.

Jawara X Factor Indonesia ini tidak bisa menutupi rasa malunya saat tampil di acara Persembahan Cinta dari MNCTV, di HUT MNCTV ke-22. Fatin menuturkan, Afgan memang selalu mampu membuat para wanita malu saat berada di dekatnya. Namun, Fatin berusaha bersikap profesional.

"Dia itu selalu membuat cewek-cewek yang di hadapannya jadi malu. Tapi aku tadi akting, akting aku memang profesional," ungkap Fatin di MNCTV, Jakarta Timur, Senin (21/10/2013) dini hari.

Pelantun "Aku Memilih Setia" ini menjelaskan alasannya malu berhadapan dengan Afgan. Menurut Fatin, dia tidak bisa menatap mata teman duetnya itu lebih dari 10 detik.

"Dia itu kalau eye contact, kayak yang langsung jleb gitu. Walaupun dia pakai kacamata, aku yang kayak, sudah dong sudah. Enggak bisa ngomong, enggak bisa lihat dia lebih dari 10 detik," tandasnya.

Terkait : Fatin Malu Saat Tampil Bersama Afgan, Fatin Shidqia Lubis, Fatin Malu, Afgan Dan Fatin, Fatin Duet Dengan Afgan, Afgan Syahreza, Aku Memilih Setia Fatin

Michael Bubble - Love Lyric


Michael Bubble - Love Lyric

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore

And love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore

And love is all that I can give to you
Love, love, love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
'Cause love was made for me and you
I said love was made for me and you
You know that love was made for me and you

Related : Michael Bubble - Love Lyric / Lirik, Lirik Lagu Michael Bubble Love

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.1

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.1
Berikut ini adalah Tips Vokal Ampuh No.1 :
  1. Dalam belajar vokal tidak hanya suara yang dilatih, tetapi juga pendengaran.
  2. Latihan vokal rutin membantu kita mengenal instrumen vokal yg kita miliki. Kenal = nyaman.
  3. Menempelkan bibir pada microphone saat menyanyi bukanlah kebiasaan yang baik. (Apalagi mic rental…)
  4. Kita bisa membedakan mana senyuman palsu vs tulus bukan lewat bentuk bibir, melainkan lewat kerutan di sekitar mata. Itulah kenapa dalam setiap performance penting bagi kita untuk "isi" juga mata kita.
  5. Hindari bilang "suara saya jelek" karena hal tsb kontra produktif. Mendingan terus belajar & berlatih.
  6. Suara "bagus" bisa jadi manis di telinga, tapi tidak menyentuh hati. Ada faktor2 lain. Faktor2 lain misalnya, pendengaran tajam, selera bagus, ekspresi yang mendalam, story telling, dll. Good news, semua itu bisa dilatih.
  7. Olahraga pagi baik untuk tingkatkan pernafasan, melancarkan aliran darah ke pita suara, dan meredakan stress. Ideal untuk penyanyi !

Terkait : Tips Vokal Ampuh No.1, Tips Vokal Jitu, Tips Vokal Hebat, Tips Vokal Terbaik

Tips How To Overcome Nervous Before Singing

Tips How To Overcome Nervous Before Singing

Here's how this tips to overcome nervousness / nervous before singing, monggo read. 

The nervousness can be interrupted while performing focus. The effect is the lyrics Nge-blank, short breath, embarrassed, awkward is not clear. 

So actually happened instead of "forget the lyrics" but tiba2 nge-blank, but just prior to the stage again and memorized already mengingat2 

Shortness of breath due to heart pounding. This makes short breath, singing was so ngos2an. Duh was not cool. 

Awkward, jaim, salting, is hal2 often happens and makes us not focus on the stage. Though performers must PD bro / sis! 

Betul2 nerves never go away 100% tp yes that's part of the gig. Excitement, adrenaline, and most importantly, appropriate. 

Enjoy the sense of nervous, thankful that we had the chance to go on stage to entertain others. Noble work ya! 

Without a sense of nervousness, maybe our performance going to be not fun, stale, and yes it was, there is not appropriate. 

Well now remember it, before you go on stage and sing, always set the first breath! Settle down, relax your muscles. FOCUS. 

Because avoiding stage fear nervousness, fear of criticism, fear of failure, is the act of losers. Loss experience! Though flying hours is important. 

Have fun performing! And the audience will have fun with you. 

Related : Tips to Overcome Nervousness Sense / Nervous Before Singing, How to Overcome Nervousness Sense / Nervous Before Singing, Overcoming Nervousness, Overcoming Nervous, Stage Fright, groggy, Not Confidence

Lets Go Sing

Lets Go SingLets Go Sing, Singing is actually not a difficult job . But for some people , would feel less confident when asked to sing a song , especially in public . The reason is not a good voice to sing .

But on the other hand there are no people who are too confident to sing , but its sound quality is not very supportive . Aklibatnya people who want to listen to the melodious sound of it will be on her antipathy .

Two conflicting issues can be overcome with the same way . Namely learning to know good singing technique .

Learning good singing technique is not as easy as imagined . But when it's used and mastered we will find that it is actually easier to sing . Especially when we already know how to sing right from how to regulate breathing , articulation , diction , expression , appearance , singing , improvisation and so on .

Many people who can sing , but the quality is not so good . Sound or song that came out of her mouth was empty and did not have the spirit and character . Because it's a quality singer will also learn techniques of good singing to himself . Because everyone must have a different type of sound .

For the ladies there are types of soprano , mezzo soprano and alto . As for the male voice types consisting of tenor , baritone and bass . Each type has distinctive technique this sound also when is singing a song .

Often people will feel tired and hoarse singing techniques while practicing correctly . So to speak alone would seem difficult . To avoid this problem we need to know also how to set good breathing .

Moreover after practice , do not immediately feel thirsty to drink water though . Wait a few moments about three or five minutes in order to be comfortable throat first. And if you drink , do not drink water that is too cold or hot . In addition to the foods that contain oil and spicy also need to be avoided .

If you want to do with discipline , this will help to create increased noise resistance and the vocal cords are also not easily distracted .

And in order to more quickly master the correct singing techniques , we should diligently practice and do not be shy to ask for opinions or criticism from friends and teachers VOK ` l us . This is so if there is an error when you're singing , we could figure it out and fix it immediately .

Related : Lets Go Sing

The Rock - Selir Hati Lyric

"Selir Hati"

The Rock - Selir Hati Lyric

Aku cinta kamu 
Tapi kamu tak cinta aku
Ku tak pernah tahu apa salahku
Hingga kamu tak suka aku
Tak mau aku

Mungkin di matamu
Aku tak pantas untukmu
Tapi tak mengapa 
Aku sadari kekuranganku ini

Reff :
Aku rela oh aku rela
Bila aku hanya menjadi
Selir hatimu untuk selamanya
Oh aku rela ku rela

Aku sudah bilang
Ku kan terus mengagumi
Ku kan terus cinta
Terus merindu
Meski kau diam saja
Kau diam saja

Repeat Reff :
Aku rela ooo aku rela
Bila aku hanya menjadi
Selir hatimu untuk selamanya
Ooo aku rela ku rela
Ooo aku rela ku rela

Repeat Reff :
Aku rela ooo aku rela
Bila aku hanya menjadi
Selir hatimu untuk selamanya
Ooo aku rela ku rela
Ooo aku rela ku rela

Related : The Rock - Selir Hati Lyric / Lirik, Lirik Lagu The Rock TRIAD Selir Hati

Free Download MP3 Anderta - Jujur Saja

Free Download MP3 Anderta - Jujur Saja - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Anderta - Jujur Saja

Info :
Singer : Anderta
Name : Jujur Saja
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

Download :

Related : Free Download MP3 Anderta - Jujur Saja, download Jujur Saja, Anderta

3 Types of Breathing for Singing

3 Types of Breathing for Singing

Breathing is the main and most important part in a vocal exercise . You know why .. ? Because breathing is a major driver of the sound . Robust breath can cause and creates vibrations as the source of the " Beep " . And breath well as the most potent vitamins to nourish voice . So breathing should be well-trained and conscientious .

In singing , we know of three (3 ) types of breathing . Each - each has its own advantages and disadvantages .

  • respiratory Shoulder

Ie at the time of take / draw breath , performed with a shrug to fill the lungs . This way is not so good , because the resulting shallow breathing and result in sentences so disjointed .

  • respiratory Chest

That is, with chest puffed out when breathing in to fill the lungs . This way is also not so good , because so impressed tired and consequently sound so unstable and disjointed .

  • respiratory Diaphragm

We call the common respiratory abdominal cavity . Ie draw / take a breath to fill your lungs with the developed abdominal cavity or diaphragm , as well as developing ribs . This is the best way was to sing , because it will result in a long breath , light , relaxed and better quality sound production . With respiratory diafargma can freely singer of expression because there is no pressure and the pressure in the breathing .

Related : 3 Types of Breathing for Singing

The Beatles - Yesterday Lyric


The Beatles - Yesterday Lyric

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

Related : The Beatles - Yesterday Lyric / Lirik, Lyric / Lirik The Beatles, Yesterday Lyric / Lirik

Free Download MP3 d'Masiv - Natural

Free Download MP3 d'Masiv - Natural - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 d'Masiv - Natural

Info :
Group Band : d'Masiv
Name : Natural
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

Download :

Related : Free Download MP3 d'Masiv - Natural, download Natural, d'Masiv

How To Train High Vocal Tone

How To Train High Vocal ToneHow To Train High Vocal Tone. Some ways to train high pitch vocals which are changing our lifestyle associated with sound quality , like waking up early , diligently cleaning the esophagus so that the sound is always clear , it is also used to drink warm water so that the quality of sound produced by the vocal cords , the better .

The first exercise can be performed by singing a song that has a low tone , try the singing voice can come out with loose without being detained . With a strong singing voice so familiar and wide vocal cords , this exercise can be done in the regular time every day at least one hour .

The next exercise is to sing scales do, re , mi , fa , sol , la , si in a low tone . Then proceed to sing the high notes up to a maximum limit of your vocal cords . Repeat until the vocal cords become elastic and you get used to .

If you are familiar with the high notes , try to start singing songs with high notes and sing up loud and loose . At first you might have trouble singing high notes , but the practice continued for at least one hour a day until you get used to . Try when singing the neck position and condition of the body ever fit that sound produced can be maximized.

Related : How To Train High Vocal Tone

Resonance, Phrasering & Inspiration

Resonance, Phrasering & Inspiration

Following the definition of resonance , phrasering & inspiration , may be useful .

Resonance serves to expand and beautify the voice so it sounds melodious , loud and charming . Certainly in need resonance techniques such as setting up the form , the position of the lips , tongue position so that a ballot box .

  • A vocal pronunciation : The mouth should be open as longer yawning , tongue and somewhat drawn into the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth .
  • Pronunciation vocal E : Mouth open in less than a vocal pronunciation , then widened the left and to the right and in the ring echoed .
  • Pronunciation vocal I: Shape up almost the same as the oral form of vocal pronunciation E. The difference is that the upper lip and lower lip more in Squeeze and voiced echoed .
  • Pronunciation vocal O : The mouth opened wide and lips slightly in round and pull the tongue into .
  • Vocal pronunciation U : Mouth open in less than vocal A.

After we do the vocals well it is necessary to practice the letters voiced consonants . Consonants are the letters that are not sound and can sound when connecting with vocal letters , therefore, in exercise voiced consonant accompanied by vocals . Consonants can be divided into several types :

  • Letters lips ( m , b , p )
  • Dental letters ( n , t , d )
  • Hissed letters ( s , c , z )
  • Letters ceiling ( h , g , k )

Rules beheading language sentence , or phrase of music into sections shorter but still has a sense of unity . Phrasering consists of 2 kinds :

  • Phrasering language sentences
  • Phrasering musical phrase

Music is the universal language of the world . Of music and melody we can animate the song and should be studied as poem , dynamics , melodikanya , tempo , character , and essentially tone . Especially the song inspiration when we can memorize the song it will be much more perfect . The music was beautiful and the music is a universal language , through music we can interpret the meaning and purpose of the song . In other words, music is the language of the world . With vocal training we can get many benefits :

  • Correcting your voice and speaking
  • Healthty
  • Enrich your imagination
  • Self confident

Related : Resonance, Phrasering & Inspiration

Benefits of Vocal Training

Benefits of Vocal Training
The following are the benefits of vocal training , may be useful .

A. Correcting Voice And Speaking

Many people who sing and speak with one voice to use to produce speech that is not good at hearing . Talk that can not be controlled with the sound of loud and noisy , with a voice that taut position , quickly exhausted and tired , feels dry throat and hoarse and singing also much wrong so much produce discordant tones ( false ) with sayings is not clear . High notes are not achieved and the low tones are not appropriate to produce sound and tone that is not melodious , his voice rough , tired and her vocal cords would be hoarse . If the damage is often done to cause the vocal cords , this is very dangerous , which should be quickly cured with proper vocal exercises .

B. Healthy

With a vocal coach and we can help prevent our health from various diseases :
  • Vocal cord disease
  • asthma
  • sinusitis

Benefits vocal coach can cure this disease is to vibrate in resonance sinus cavity . Trained every day so that his sinus cavity clean of lendiran - lendiran stuck in the cavity .
  • heart disease
  • disease stress
  • Mild stroke
  • ageless

C. Enrich Your Imagination

Trained vocals can add to our imagination , we can create a song , the fantasies happily , menghayal with sadness, longing and love .

Related : Benefits of Vocal Training

Free Download MP3 Geisha - Cinta Dan Benci

Free Download MP3 Geisha - Cinta Dan Benci - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Geisha - Cinta Dan Benci

Info :
Group Band : Geisha
Name : Cinta Dan Benci
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

Download :

Related : Free Download MP3 Geisha - Cinta Dan Benci, download Cinta Dan Benci, Geisha

Free Download MP3 Geisha - Seharusnya Percaya

Free Download MP3 Geisha - Seharusnya Percaya - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Geisha - Seharusnya Percaya

Info :
Group Band : Geisha
Name : Seharusnya Percaya
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

Download :

Related : Free Download MP3 Geisha - Seharusnya Percaya, download Seharusnya Percaya, Geisha

What Are Required To Sing ?

What Are Required To Sing ?

What Are Required To Sing ?

Vocal Technique :
Singer vocal instrument is a series of muscles that need to be trained to be strong, flexible, durable, and avoid injury.

Performance Engineering :
When a singer taking the stage, he should be able to give the appearance of a complete, not just from the sound alone.

Musical knowledge :
Singer is a musician too! Studying various musical side of science in very useful for the development of a singer herself.

Related : What Are Required To Sing ?

How to Maintain Voice

How to Maintain Voice
How to Maintain Voice, Has a beautiful voice and enjoyed by many people not only owned the famous singer and presenter . Now everyone has the right to have it . By paying attention and following these tips , you can certainly maintain the health and beauty of sound :

Listen to Your Voice
Hoarseness may be indicative of simple symptoms such as sore throat or a serious as cancer of the larynx . If your hoarseness lasts more than a few weeks , especially if you smoke or if you do not have other cold - like symptoms , immediately consult a specialist voice .

Stop Forever
Cigarettes , nicotine , chemicals , and inhalers can membuatperadangan and pembengkakandan cause cancer of the throat , mouth , nose , and lungs .

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages
Consuming alcohol and caffeine can make the effects of dehydration that can stretch the folds of your voice . Enjoying a glass of mineral water and a cup of coffee or tea can help prevent dehydration .

Reduce The Volume
Reduce shouting very loudly and talking with large volumes , because these activities can stretch and damage your vocal cords .

Warm Up
Always warm up before you sing , teach , or give a speech . Stretching the neck and shoulder , humming or playing sound from low pitch to high kenada using different vowel sounds can you do in order to get maximum sound . Lip trills and trills tounge heating can also be another reference in my spare time .

Get Help With Reflux
Acid from the stomach into the throat can damage the vocal cords . Signs of acid reflux may include frequent heartburn , unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning , bloating and frequent belching , a lump in the back of the throat , hoarseness and never recovered . If this happens , immediately consult a specialist Gastrointestinal ( GI ) for help .

Do Not Force
When you hoarse from laryngitis , colds , or flu , you do not need to bother . Avoid talking loudly or long . Stay tuned and keep your voice even when you sing until you feel completely better . Avoid throat clearing and coughing loudly and often when you are attacked by postnasal drip or runny nose . Instead , try drinking water or cough medicine .

If you have been doing a lot of activities that require workers to speak too often and large , allow yourself to rest .

Try a cool drink and clean
Drinking plenty of water is always able to help lubricate your vocal cords . In addition, not smoking and limiting activity screaming and yelling . Full talk , breathe deeply , and stopped to take a breather before you run out of air . If you start to feel tired voice or rude , your body will tell you to stop using voice activity .

Related : How to Maintain Voice, How to Maintain Sound

10 Ways to Maintain Quality Voice

10 Ways to Maintain Quality Voice
10 Ways to Maintain Quality Voice. Talking , mumbling or singing , are activities that emit sound . This event is actually part of an expression that can be done even since humans are in a very early age .

This sound activity itself is often said that a natural thing . In fact , to be able to produce a pleasant melodious voice heard with clear pronunciation and can be captured by the listener , is closely associated with the health factors associated with the sound -producing organs .

Without realizing it , humans do not escape from the things that could harm the organ voice . Just like other organs , the vocal cords are also susceptible to various diseases .

"The voice is your ambassador to the world . Voice reflects the personality and emotions . Assessment on our people is influenced by our voice , " said Norman Hogikyan , researchers from the University of Michigan Health System . Therefore, it is important to maintain the quality of our voice , even though you're not a singer or a presenter . Hogikyan gives tips to maintain sound quality .

1 . Inadequate fluid needs
Drink enough water every day and avoid alcohol and caffeine . Vowel sounds we vibrate very fast , and the water will keep it lubricated . Fruits that contain lots of water , such as watermelon , apples , pears , or melon , also highly recommended for consumption .

2 . Rest Voiced
Those who work daily using a lot of noise , like a professional singer , teacher , or preacher , advised to rest his voice among certain periods . This is to prevent lumps on the vocal cords caused by excessive use of voice .

3 . Avoid cigarettes
If you already smoke , quit . Smoking increases the risk of throat cancer and cigarette smoke , even secondhand smoke , can make irritation of the vocal cords .

4 . Avoid Excessive Use of Voice
Avoid yelling or screaming , and avoid to speak loudly in noisy environments . When my throat started to feel dry or hoarse voice , reduce the use of sound . Hoarse or raspy voice is a sign of your vocal cords become irritated .

5 . Keep Your Neck Muscles Relax
Keep your throat and neck muscles are always relaxed , even when you sing high notes or low pitch . Some singers tilt their heads when singing high notes and bow your head when singing low tone .

6 . Notice How to Speak
Even professional singers can have a voice disorder when they talked . " When speaking , you need a lot of breath , " says Hogikyan .

7 . Do not be Too Frequent Throat Clearing 
Avoid too much phlegm to clear the throat because it can cause hoarseness . Drink warm fluids without caffeine can help moisten the throat . Inhaling steam can also help .

8 . Listen to Your Body
If you 're sick with the flu and a hoarse voice , using sound to a minimum .

9 . Use The Tools
If you need to speak in public or in public outdoors with the many , using loudspeakers tools so you do not need to shout .

10 . Do Exercises
Vocal cords also need to be trained in order to remain flexible . You can do it with a small hum in the morning as a " warm up" the vocal cords .

Related : 10 Ways to Maintain Quality Voice, 10 Ways to Maintain Quality Sound

Tiap Ke Makassar, NOAH Selalu Santap Ikan Bakar

Tiap Ke Makassar, NOAH Selalu Santap Ikan Bakar

Tiap Ke Makassar Ariel CS Cari Ikan Bakar Jauh-jauh ke kota Makassar, grup band Noah yang digawangi Ariel, Uki Lukman, Reza, David dan Ikhsan ternyata tidak pernah absen menyantap ikan bakar ketika di Makassar. Ariel mengaku sebagian besar anggota Noah merupakan penduduk asli Bandung yang sangat jarang menemukan sajian kuliner berupa ikan beraneka ragam dan rasa. "Kami kalau kesini tidak ingin melewatkan wisata kuliner jika ke Makassar terutama sajian berbahan dasar ikan," ujar Ariel dalam jumpa pers di Kantor Yamaha, Rabu (9/10). Senada disampaikan pula, Lukman, Reza dan Uki menurutnya hanya di Kota Makassar aneka macam ikan bisa didapatkan dengan penyajian yang lezat "Sehabis menyantap ikan, menghibur ratusan penggemar terasa lebih ringan,"ucap Uki

Terkait : Tiap Ke Makassar, NOAH Selalu Santap Ikan Bakar, NOAH di Makassar

Tips Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014

Tips Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014

Kali ini saya akan bagikan Tips Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014, silahkan di baca.

  • Pilihan Lagu : Persiapkan lagu minimal 4 lagu, lagu barat ma indo.. karna takutnya Juri gak puas dengan lagu pertama kita dan Juri meminta kita menyanyi lagu lain.. nyanyikanlah lagu cadangan yg sudah di siapkan.
  • Be Yourself : Yapz jadilah diri sendiri jangan meniru orang lain, karna di idol yang dipilihnya itu yang mempunyai ciri khas sendiri 
  • Stamina : Stamina ikutan ajang kaya giniee harus kuat karna bisa* kita sampai malam.
  • Pilihan Pakaian : Pakaian yang seenak mungkin tidak usah yg glamour v sopan saja .. kalau kita mau jadi pusat perhatian coba dweh pakai pakaian yg sedikit aneh.. 
  • Sikap : Kita harus ramah, baik sama teman audisi, juri ataupun panitia kita harus menjaga sikap termasuk juga ma satpam.. karna seorang calon selebrity yg baik itu yang punya sikap yg baik juga.. 
  • Bekal : Nah ini kita harus bawa bekal makanan supaya perut kita gak keroncongan.. kalau misalnya gak boleh bawa makanan sembunyiin ajha di dalam tas wokeee... 
  • Semangat : Ya kita harus punya semangat karna kalau gak semangat kita akan sia * 
  • Percaya Diri : Calon selebrity harus punya rasa percaya diri , biarpun nanti pas ngantri ada yg latihan dan suaranya bagus jgn langsung down kita tunjukan kalau kita juga bisa.. 
  • Faktor X : Faktor X alias faktor keberuntungan , yaps karna saat audisi seperti ini faktor x lahh salah satunya yg bisa meloloskan kita.

Itu tadi Tips Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014, semoga bermanfaat, good luck untuk yang akan audisi Indonesian Idol 2014. Pengen tau cara mendapatkan antrian khusus ? Klik DISINI.

Terkait : Tips Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014, Tips Audisi Bernyanyi, Cara Agar Diterima Dalam Audisi Bernyanyi, Trick Lolos Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014

Juri Indonesian Idol 2014

Juri Indonesian Idol 2014

Tentu kita penasaran dengan Juri Indonesian Idol 2014 kali ini, penasaran ??

Dari yang saya ketahui, untuk Juri Indonesian Idol 2014 kali ini yang sudah pasti adalah Anang Hermansyah dan Ahmad Dhani, sedangkan untuk satu juri lagi masih di rahasiakan team Indonesian Idol 2014, tampaknya Agnes Monica tidak akan menjadi Juri Indonesian Idol 2014 kali ini karena kesibukannya.

Menurut saya, kemungkinan besar juri wanitanya adalah Raisa Andriana, mengapa ?? karena Indonesian Idol 2014 kali ini menggandeng Sunslik untuk menjadi salah satu sponsornya, nah artist bintang iklan Sunslik adalah Raisa Andriana, jadi kemungkinan besar dia yang akan jadi juri Indonesian Idol 2014 kali ini. Bagaimana menurut sobat ? setujukah ? kalau saya sih setuju-setuju aja, haha.

Siapapun jurinya, pasti Indonesian Idol sangat dinanti para pencinta musik tanah air, yang haus akan musisi bertalenta suara yang keren serta berkualitas. Nanti akan saya update untuk Juri Indonesian Idol 2014 fix nya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Terkait :  Juri Indonesian Idol 2014, Siapa Juri Indonesian Idol 2014, Tentang Juri Indonesian Idol 2014, Juri Pasti Indonesian Idol 2014, Raisa Andriana Juri Indonesian Idol 2014, Anang Hermansyah Juri Indonesian Idol 2014, Ahmad Dhani Juri Indonesian Idol 2014

Antrian Khusus Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014

Antrian Khusus Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014

Antrian Khusus Kilau Sunsilk di Indonesian Idol 2014 :

  • Antrian khusus Kilau Sunsilk di Indonesian Idol adalah sebuah akses yang didapatkan oleh peserta audisi Indonesian Idol yang membeli atau membawa dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran minimal 170 ml. Detail dan mekanisme yang berlaku tercantum di syarat dan ketentuan di bawah ini.
  • Antrian khusus diadakan selama proses audisi Indonesian Idol 2014 (small audition, bus audition, big cities audition) dari tanggal 17 September 2013 – 17 November 2013.
  • Antrian khusus ini terbuka bagi peserta audisi Indonesian Idol dari usia 16 – 27 tahun yang membawa dua botol Sunsilk berukuran 170ml dengan maksimal kuota antrian khusus maksimum sebanyak 500 orang.
  • Ketentuan umum mengenai cara mendapatkan akses antrian khusus Sunsilk dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:

Jember, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Solo, Malang, Madiun, Purwokerto

  • Beli dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran 170ml di toko terdekat.
  • Bawa dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran 170ml ke lokasi audisi.
  • Daftarkan diri dengan menunjukkan dua botol Sunsilk sebagai bukti ke panitia Sunsilk yang berada di lokasi audisi.
  • Maksimum tiga puluh pendaftar pertama berhak berada di antrian khusus untuk mempercepat antrian audisi atau berhak mendapatkan hadiah khusus dari Sunsilk.

Padang & Makasar

  • Beli dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran 170ml di toko terdekat atau di lokasi audisi.
  • Bawa dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran 170ml ke lokasi audisi.
  • Daftarkan diri dengan menunjukkan dua botol Sunsilk sebagai bukti ke panitia Sunsilk yang berada di lokasi audisi.
  • Maksimum dua ratus pendaftar pertama berhak berada di antrian khusus untuk mempercepat antrian audisi.

Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Jogjakarta

  • Beli dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran 170ml di toko terdekat atau di lokasi audisi.
  • Bawa dua botol Sunsilk varian apa saja berukuran 170ml ke lokasi audisi.
  • Daftarkan diri dengan menunjukkan dua botol Sunsilk sebagai bukti ke panitia Sunsilk yang berada di lokasi audisi.
  • Maksimum lima ratus pendaftar pertama berhak berada di antrian khusus untuk mempercepat antrian audisi.


  • Dengan mengikuti tata cara di atas untuk mendapatkan akses ke antrian khusus Sunsilk, peserta tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk mengikuti audisi Indonesian Idol
  • Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Suara Konsumen Unilever di nomor: 0-800-1-558000 (bebas pulsa) atau 021-52995299 (bebas pulsa)
  • Pihak Penyelenggara berhak untuk mengubah dan/atau memodifikasi syarat dan ketentuan Promo dari waktu ke waktu menyesuaikan mekanisme dari Indonesian Idol dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
  • Syarat & ketentuan ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
  • Kunjungi untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Indonesian Idol.
Terkait : Antrian Khusus Untuk Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014, Cara Cepat Mengantri di Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014, Tips Antri Audisi Indonesian Idol 2014

Indonesian Idol 2014 Come Back !

Indonesian Idol 2014 Come Back !

Ajang pencarian bakat menyanyi di stasiun TV RCTI yaitu Indonesian Idol bergulir kembali. Kali ini Indonesian Idol menggunakan kata-kata A Decade Of Dreams, karena Indonesian Idol telah mencapai tahun ke 10 untuk penayangannya. Mulai dari 2004-2014. 

Audisi di laksanakan di 14 kota Indonesia. 5 kota Big Audition, 2 kota Small Audition, serta 7 kota menggunakan Bus Audition.

Rencananya audisi di mulai dari bulan Septermber hingga November 2013 mendatang. Jadi segeralah daftarin dirimu, siapa tau kamu adalah Idola Indonesia selanjutnya, bravo ! yang pengen daftar online bisa klik DISINI.

Penasaran dengan jurinya ? Bisa klik DISINI. Yang pengen dapet antrian khusus waktu audisi Indonesian Idol 2014 bisa klik DISINI. Semoga bermanfaat.

Terkait : Indonesian Idol 2014 Come Back !, Indonesian Idol 2014, A Decade Of Dreams, 10 Tahun Indonesian Idol.

Free Download MP3 Michael Buble - Lost

Free Download MP3 Michael Buble - Lost - Here are the Top Rated Western song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Michael Buble - Lost

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Singer : Michael Buble
Name : Lost
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : Free Download MP3 Michael Buble - Lost, download Lost, Michael Buble

Free Download MP3 Agnes Monica - Matahariku

Free Download MP3 Agnes Monica - Matahariku - Here are the Top Rated Western song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

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Singer : Agnes Monica
Name : Matahariku
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : Free Download MP3 Agnes Monica - Matahariku, download Matahariku, Agnes Monica

Jenis Gitar - The Finger Style Guitar

Selamat sore, sekarang kita lanjutkan untuk jenis-jenis gitar, sebelumnya saya telah jelaskan Jenis Gitar - The Pick Guitar, sekarang saatnya Jenis Gitar - The Finger Style Guitar, langsung saja.

Jenis Gitar - The Finger Style Guitar

The Finger Style Guitar, Gitar jenis ini dimainkan dengan memetik senar dengan jari. Senar-senarnya terbuat dari nilon, sutra, dan kawat. Gitar jenis ini mempunyai satu lingkarang lubang suara. Frets pada jenis gitar ini lebih lebar bila dibandingkan dengan frets pada jenis The Pick Guitar.

Sekian untuk pembahasan jenis-jenis gitar, semoga bermanfaat.

Terkait : Jenis Gitar - The Finger Style Guitar, Jenis-Jenis Gitar, Apa Saja Jenis Gitar ?, Jenis Gitar Indonesian, Berbagai Jenis Gitar

Free Download MP3 Maudy Ayunda - Cinta Datang Terlambat

Free Download MP3 Maudy Ayunda - Cinta Datang Terlambat - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

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Singer : Maudy Ayunda
Name : Cinta Datang Terlambat
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Free Download MP3 Wali - Si Udin Bertanya

Free Download MP3 Wali - Si Udin Bertanya - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Wali - Si Udin Bertanya

Info :
Group Band : Wali
Name : Si Udin Bertanya
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : Free Download MP3 Wali - Si Udin Bertanya, download Si Udin Bertanya, Wali Band

Tips Mengatasi Rasa Gugup / Nervous Sebelum Bernyanyi

Inilah tips bagimana cara mengatasi rasa gugup / nervous sebelum bernyanyi, monggo dibaca.

Tips Mengatasi Rasa Gugup / Nervous Sebelum Bernyanyi

  1. Rasa gugup itu bisa membuyarkan fokus saat perform. Efeknya lirik Nge-blank, nafas pendek, salah tingkah, canggung gak jelas.
  2. Jadi sebetulnya yg terjadi bukan "lupa lirik" melainkan tiba2 nge-blank, padahal pas sebelum naik panggung udah mengingat2 lagi dan hafal
  3. Nafas tersengal karena jantung berdebar kencang. Ini bikin nafas pendek, nyanyi pun jadi ngos2an. Duh gak asik lah.
  4. Canggung, jaim, salting, adalah hal2 yg kerap terjadi dan bikin kita tidak fokus di panggung. Padahal performer musti PD bro/sis!
  5. Rasa gugup tidak pernah betul2 hilang 100% tp ya itulah bagian dari manggung. Excitement, adrenaline, dan terpenting, GREGET.
  6. Nikmati rasa gugup, syukuri bahwa kita punya kesempatan naik panggung untuk menghibur orang lain. Pekerjaan mulia nih!
  7. Tanpa rasa gugup, mungkin performance kita bakalan jadi gak seru, basi, dan ya itu tadi, gak ada greget.
  8. Nah sekarang ingat ini, sebelum kamu naik panggung dan nyanyi, selalu atur nafas dulu! Tenangkan diri, lemaskan otot. FOKUS.
  9. Menghindari panggung krn takut gugup, takut kritik, takut gagal, adalah perbuatan merugi. Rugi pengalaman! Padahal jam terbang penting.
  10. Have fun performing! And the audience will have fun with you.
Terkait : Tips Mengatasi Rasa Gugup / Nervous Sebelum Bernyanyi, Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Rasa Gugup / Nervous Sebelum Bernyanyi, Mengatasi Gugup, Mengatasi Nervous, Demam Panggung, Grogi, Tidak Percaya Diri

Jenis Gitar - The Pick Guitar

Jenis Gitar - The Pick Guitar
Selamat malam, kali ini saya akan share tentang jenis-jenis gitar. Jenis gitar ada dua, yaitu The Pick Guitar dan The Finger-Style Guitar. Tapi kali ini saya akan share jenis gitar The Pick Guitar dahulu.

The Pick Guitar, Gitar jenis ini merupakan jenis gitar yang dimainkan dengan cara dipetik dengan menggunakan pick atau sejenis alat petik yang bentuknya bulat pipih yang biasanya terbuat dari plastik atau tempurung penyu. Gitar ini memiliki dua lubang suara yang berbentuk S ( shapped ) pada badan bagian depan gitar. Senarnya terbuat dari kawat dan tersambung pada tali pengikat senar. Leher gitar berdekatan dan ditandai dengan Frets.

Bermain dengan menggunakan pick memang tidak mudah. Kita harus menyatu dengan pick tersebut. Pada awalnya terjadi kekakuan ketika akan memetik senar sehingga petikan menjadi kasar dan kurang akurat.

Pemilihan pick yang akan digunakan juga menjadi unsur yang penting. Memilih pick tidaklah mudah, apalagi bila kita belum pernah memakainya. Yang penting dalam memilih pick adalah ketebalan pick, karena menentukan kelenturan dari pick tersebut. Untuk tips bermain gitar bisa klik DISINI dan DISINI.

Untuk jenis Gitar The Finger-Style Guitar akan kita bahas di posting berikutnya, semoga bermanfaat.

Terkait : Jenis Gitar - The Pick Guitar, Jenis-Jenis Gitar, Apa Saja Jenis Gitar ?, Jenis Gitar Indonesia, Berbagai Jenis Gitar

Free Download MP3 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound

Free Download MP3 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound - Here are the Top Rated Western song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound

Info :
Group Band : Coldplay
Name : Speed Of Sound
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : download Free Download MP3 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound mp3, download Speed Of Sound, Coldplay

Free Download MP3 Ungu - Seperti Bintang ( Ost BSG )

Free Download MP3 Ungu - Seperti Bintang ( Ost BSG ) - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Ungu - Seperti Bintang ( Ost BSG )

Info :
Group Band : Ungu
Name : Seperti Bintang ( Ost BSG )
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : download Free Download MP3 Ungu - Seperti Bintang ( Ost BSG ) mp3, download Seperti Bintang ( Ost BSG ),  Ungu

Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 3

Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 3
Sebelumnya saya telah share Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 1Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 2, kini saatnya untuk melanjutkan bagian ke 3 nya, langsung saja.

Eddie mengembangkan sistem tremolo yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Yaitu tremolo yang hanya bisa ditekan down atau turun ( menghasilkan nada yang lebih rendah ). Sistem lama ini dikembangkan oleh pabrik Fender dan terpasang sebagai perlengkapan standar pada model Stratocaster. Inovasi ini terpikir olehya pada sekitar tahun 1976. Saat itu para gitaris hebat seperti Ritchie Blackmore dan Jimmy Page sering mengalami masalah pada tuning gitar mereka. Karena mereka sering membending senar terlalu banyak untuk menghasilkan suara yang 1 setengah nada lebih tinggi. Akibatnya senar jadi kendor dan tentunya nadanya juga jadi fals. Dengan locking nut tremolo system, senar dikunci di bagian nut gitar agar tidak bergeser ketegangannya.

Sedikit tambahan, pada tahun 1991 juga pernah dibuat Gitar yang paling besar di Amerika Serikat, tepatnya di Indiana. Bayangkan, panjangnya sampai 11 meter, hampir sama panjang dengan dua buah mobil Limosin !. Gitar ini membutuhkan 6 orang untuk memainkannya.

Akhirnya selesai juga pembahasan sejarah gitar elektrik / listrik ini, semoga bermanfaat.

Terkait : Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 3, Tentang Gitar Elektrik / Listrik, Seluk Beluk Gitar Elektrik / Listrik, Asal Muasal Gitar Elektrik / Listrik, Asal Mula Gitar Elektrik / Listrik

Free Download MP3 Afgan - Jodoh Pasti Bertemu

Free Download MP3 Afgan - Jodoh Pasti Bertemu - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Afgan - Jodoh Pasti Bertemu

Info :
Singer : Afgan
Name : Jodoh Pasti Bertemu
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : Free Download MP3 Afgan - Jodoh Pasti Bertemu mp3, download Jodoh Pasti Bertemu, Afgan

Free Download MP3 Noah - Tak Lagi Sama

Free Download MP3 Noah - Tak Lagi Sama - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Noah - Tak Lagi Sama

Info :
Group Band : Noah
Name : Tak Lagi Sama
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : download Noah - Tak Lagi Sama mp3, download Tak Lagi Sama, Noah

Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 2

Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 2
Sebelumnya saya sudah jelaskan Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 1. Nah sekarang saya akan share sejarah gitar elektrik / listrik bagian yang ke 2, cek this out.

Ada pula hal-hal yang nyentrik dalam perkembangan Gitar seperti gitar bersenar tujuh ( 7 ) yang di populerkan oleh Steve Vai di tahun 1989. Ide ini datang saat ia bergabung dengan David Lee Roth Band pada tahun 1985, menggarap album Crazy From The Heat. Ia memutuskan demikian karena sang Bassis, Billy Sheehan, sering menyetel bass-nya dengan formasi lain bernama Drop D Tuning ( dari atas ke bawah : D-A-D-G, umumnya E-A-D-G ). Bekerjasama dengan Ibanez tahun 1987, akhirnya lahirlah gitar pertama bersenar tujuh ( 7 ), dengan dawai teratas, alias ketujuh, bernada B. Gitar ini dinamakan The Universe-7 String. Vai juga memiliki gitar dengan neck yang berlawanan ( menghadap ke kiri dan kanan ), untuk membuktikan kemampuannya bermain kidal. Sementara itu, Eddie Van Hallen, menjadi pelopor dalam penggunaan whammy up-down yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Floyd Rose tremolo / bridge. Inovasi ini lengkap dengan pengunci senar pada bagian nut gitar. Sistem ini dikenal sebagai locking nut tremolo system.

Karena pembahasannya cukup panjang, dilanjutkan di bagian ke 3 ya, semoga bermanfaat.

Terkait : Sejarah Gitar Elektrik / Listrik Bagian 2, Tentang Gitar Elektrik / Listrik, Seluk Beluk Gitar Elektrik / Listrik, Asal Muasal Gitar Elektrik / Listrik, Asal Mula Gitar Elektrik / Listrik

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