Easy To Choose Harmonica

Easy To Choose Harmonica

Easy To Choose Harmonica. Choose a harmonica. There are many different types of harmonica available for purchase, which vary in use and price. For now, purchase either a diatonic or a chromatic harmonica. Either type can be used to play most popular music, such as blues or folk.

  • The diatonic harmonica is arguably the most common type available, and certainly the cheapest. It's tuned to a specific key, which can't be changed. Most diatonic harmonicas are tuned to the key of C. Types of diatonic harmonica include the “blues harmonica,” the “tremolo harmonica,” and the “octave harmonica.”

In the western world, the blues harmonica is common; in east Asia, the tremolo harmonica is seen more often.

  • The chromatic harmonica is a type of harmonica that uses a mechanical apparatus to control which holes make noise. Basic chromatic harmonicas with 10 notes can only play one full key (the same as a diatonic harmonica), but chromatics with 12-16 holes can be tuned to any key. Chromatics are considerably more expensive than most diatonic harmonicas; a quality chromatic from a reputable brand can cost several hundred dollars.

Because of their flexibility, 12-plus-note chromatic harmonicas are generally preferred for jazz music.

  • A common shorthand term for the harmonica is the “harp.” This comes from its other traditional names, including “French harp” and “blues harp.” As long as the context is clear, the words “harmonica” and “harp” can be used interchangeably.
Related : Easy To Choose Harmonica, Simple Choose Harmonica, Harmonica Easy To Choose

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