How to Maintain Voice

How to Maintain Voice
How to Maintain Voice, Has a beautiful voice and enjoyed by many people not only owned the famous singer and presenter . Now everyone has the right to have it . By paying attention and following these tips , you can certainly maintain the health and beauty of sound :

Listen to Your Voice
Hoarseness may be indicative of simple symptoms such as sore throat or a serious as cancer of the larynx . If your hoarseness lasts more than a few weeks , especially if you smoke or if you do not have other cold - like symptoms , immediately consult a specialist voice .

Stop Forever
Cigarettes , nicotine , chemicals , and inhalers can membuatperadangan and pembengkakandan cause cancer of the throat , mouth , nose , and lungs .

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages
Consuming alcohol and caffeine can make the effects of dehydration that can stretch the folds of your voice . Enjoying a glass of mineral water and a cup of coffee or tea can help prevent dehydration .

Reduce The Volume
Reduce shouting very loudly and talking with large volumes , because these activities can stretch and damage your vocal cords .

Warm Up
Always warm up before you sing , teach , or give a speech . Stretching the neck and shoulder , humming or playing sound from low pitch to high kenada using different vowel sounds can you do in order to get maximum sound . Lip trills and trills tounge heating can also be another reference in my spare time .

Get Help With Reflux
Acid from the stomach into the throat can damage the vocal cords . Signs of acid reflux may include frequent heartburn , unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning , bloating and frequent belching , a lump in the back of the throat , hoarseness and never recovered . If this happens , immediately consult a specialist Gastrointestinal ( GI ) for help .

Do Not Force
When you hoarse from laryngitis , colds , or flu , you do not need to bother . Avoid talking loudly or long . Stay tuned and keep your voice even when you sing until you feel completely better . Avoid throat clearing and coughing loudly and often when you are attacked by postnasal drip or runny nose . Instead , try drinking water or cough medicine .

If you have been doing a lot of activities that require workers to speak too often and large , allow yourself to rest .

Try a cool drink and clean
Drinking plenty of water is always able to help lubricate your vocal cords . In addition, not smoking and limiting activity screaming and yelling . Full talk , breathe deeply , and stopped to take a breather before you run out of air . If you start to feel tired voice or rude , your body will tell you to stop using voice activity .

Related : How to Maintain Voice, How to Maintain Sound

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