Easy To Choose Harmonica

Easy To Choose Harmonica

Easy To Choose Harmonica. Choose a harmonica. There are many different types of harmonica available for purchase, which vary in use and price. For now, purchase either a diatonic or a chromatic harmonica. Either type can be used to play most popular music, such as blues or folk.

  • The diatonic harmonica is arguably the most common type available, and certainly the cheapest. It's tuned to a specific key, which can't be changed. Most diatonic harmonicas are tuned to the key of C. Types of diatonic harmonica include the “blues harmonica,” the “tremolo harmonica,” and the “octave harmonica.”

In the western world, the blues harmonica is common; in east Asia, the tremolo harmonica is seen more often.

  • The chromatic harmonica is a type of harmonica that uses a mechanical apparatus to control which holes make noise. Basic chromatic harmonicas with 10 notes can only play one full key (the same as a diatonic harmonica), but chromatics with 12-16 holes can be tuned to any key. Chromatics are considerably more expensive than most diatonic harmonicas; a quality chromatic from a reputable brand can cost several hundred dollars.

Because of their flexibility, 12-plus-note chromatic harmonicas are generally preferred for jazz music.

  • A common shorthand term for the harmonica is the “harp.” This comes from its other traditional names, including “French harp” and “blues harp.” As long as the context is clear, the words “harmonica” and “harp” can be used interchangeably.
Related : Easy To Choose Harmonica, Simple Choose Harmonica, Harmonica Easy To Choose

Piano Lesson 1 For Beginner

Piano Lesson 1 For Beginner

Learning How to Play the Piano:  Greetings to you all from Bianca Te Tremelo. Here we go, our first little lesson on playing the piano. It won’t be hard. We are going to move through the basics slowly and methodically, and it is going to be just the greatest fun.
Lesson One -Learning to Play the Notes  C,D, and E, and How to play an Octave
This first lesson is to teach you the notes on the piano. The first thing is to get familiar with the names of the notes and to learn where the notes are on the piano.
Today, we are going to learn about just three white  notes. C, D, and E. We will see where these lie on the keyboard, and we will show you how these are notated on the stave, or how they look on a music sheet, in other words.
In this lesson, we are also going to learn how to play an OCTAVE, an eight note combination of the same letter name. More about this later down the track……….
You can see a picture of the piano on our header at the top, which will be helpful to you.
‘Middle C’  is the first note we will learn about.  Middle C lies roughly in the center of your keyboard. It is a white note. This is easier to identify if you have a real, full length piano, and that is why middle C has gotten its name – because it lies at the center of the piano keyboard.
Here are two illustrations to show you how Middle C looks when it is written on the stave: The first diagram is of the Treble Clef, or G Clef- this Clef is usually used for the right hand of piano music, although, occasionally, the hands will cross over, and the right hand may use the left hand clef, or vice versa.
Here is Middle C written on the Treble Clef, or ‘G’ Clef:
Piano Lesson 1 For Beginner
And here is Middle C, written on the Bass Clef, or ‘F’ Clef:
Piano Lesson 1 For Beginner
So now – let’s find Middle C. It is a white note, remember, which lies directly to the left of the set of two black notes.  Now, I want you to  find middle C  on your keyboard, on your own.
Play the Middle C note.
Now – Just look at the black notes  on your piano- what do you see?
You see alternate groupings of two black notes. Then three black notes. Then twoblack notes. Then three black notes……and so on, up and down the piano.
Eazy Peazy – that means that the white note directly below, and just to the left of EVERY set of TWO black notes is a ‘C’. – Every time – a ‘C’
You can check on our diagram at the top of the page. Have a look to see where all the ‘C’ notes lie on the diagram.
So now – I want you to go to the very bottom of the keyboard, to the left end. Find the first grouping of two black notes. The lowest sounding ‘C’ will be on the left side of your piano; it will be the white note just to the left of that group of two black notes. Now -I want you to find every ‘C’ note on the piano.  Play every ‘C’ note you can find. You will see that they lie eight notes apart, counting the ‘C’ you are starting on as ‘one’.
Once you have found them all, you can have fun playing two C;s together. Use the right hand to play a C above middle C, and use the left hand to play a C below middle C.
‘C’????? Already,  you are actually playing the piano. Experiment. Play different C’s together. You might even be able to reach an OCTAVE with one hand: this is when you play the same note together, eight notes apart. An OCTAVE is ‘eight’ notes. See how they blend in with each other: because they are they same note, but on a different wave length.
Now, here is a diagragm of the notes C, D, and E notated on the stave.  Again, the first diagragm is using the Treble clef, or G Clef, which is normally used for the right hand.  The second diagragm is using the Bass Clef, or F Clef, which is normally used for the left hand.
Now, I want you to find all the ‘D’s. ‘D’ is a white note, and it lies BETWEEN those two black notes, every time. Same thing again- counting the first D you find as ‘ONE’, travel up eight notes to find the next D – and the next – always an octave, or eight notes apart, either way you go.
Play the OCTAVE on D. Use both hands to play different ‘D’s up and down the keyboard. You will know if you hit a note which is not a D, as it won’t blend nicely, which the octave always does on a well tuned instrument.
Next, we will look for and find all the ‘E’s on the keyboard, or piano. E lies directly to the RIGHT side of the group of two black notes.  Do the same exercise as before. Find all the‘E’s on the piano. Play the left hand on one E, play the right on another. Play them together. Find different ‘E’s. Play OCTAVES if you can.
Homework :
Keep up your practice every day, playing octaves on C, D, and E.
Look at the stave of notes which follow, and name them. Play them on your piano or your keyboard. The more you get used to reading and understanding where these notes are on the keyboard, the quicker your sight reading will become.
(we will post the stave, with notes written on it, in this space here within the next week)
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Free Download MP3 Peterpan - Mimpi Yang Sempurna

Free Download MP3 Peterpan - Mimpi Yang Sempurna - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 Peterpan - Mimpi Yang Sempurna

Info :
Group Band : Peterpan
Name : Mimpi Yang Sempurna
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

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Related : Free Download MP3 Peterpan - Mimpi Yang Sempurna, download Mimpi Yang Sempurna, Peterpan Band

Tips Membeli Biola Yang Baik Dan Benar

Tips Membeli Biola Yang Baik Dan Benar

Sekarang kita akan membahas tentang Tips Membeli Biola Yang Baik Dan Benar, cekidot.

Bingung mencari biola yang cocok buat anda? sedangkan anda masih awan tentang dunia perbiolaan ?

Pada dasarnya biola itu dapat dibagi menjadi 2 tipe menurut fungsi dan tujuannya yaitu; Student Violin dan Professional Violin. Student Violin merupakan biola yang memang dikhususkan untuk pemula atau disini bisa kita sebut dengan istilah Student (Pelajar) sedangkan Profesional Violin dikhususkan untuk mereka yang sudah serius berkarir di bidang biola. Perbedaan yang mendasar dari kedua tipe biola ini dari harga yang harus ditebus untuk membelinya. Professional Violin harganya memang agak mahal dibandingkan Student Violin karena bahan kayu dan cara pembuatannya sangat berkualitas.

Tapi mengapa kedua tipe biola ini harus dibedakan ? Apa anda masih belum pantas untuk membeli biola yang lebih mahal ? sedangkan anda punya uang lebih ? 

Belajar biola itu pada dasarnya susah dan butuh kesabaran ekstra. Salah satu guru biola saya mengatakan bahwa butuh kurang lebih 4 tahun untuk menguasai alat musik ini. Dan alhamdulillah saya baru belajar satu tahun sampai saat ini. Banyak sekali orang-orang yang awalnya ingin belajar biola tetapi menyerah di tengah jalan sehingga biola yang dibeli menjadi terbengkalai dan berdebu di pojok ruangan sebagai hiasan. Hal inilah yang membuat saya lebih menyarankan untuk membeli biola pemula yang lebih murah dulu agar biola tersebut tidak terlalu “mubazir” jika kalian menyerah.

Tapi anda sudah bertekad kuat dan tidak akan menyerah walaupun butuh 4 tahun belajar biola ? Tidak apa-apa kan kalau langsung beli biola yang profesional ?

Oke tidak apa-apa jika anda mempunyai uang yang cukup untuk membeli biola mahal. Hal tersebut sebenarnya kembali lagi dengan keadaan ekonomi anda yang mumpuni atau tidak. Tapi menurut hemat saya, membeli sebuah biola itu merupakan suatu pencarian. Kita tidak akan menemukan biola yang pas hanya dengan sekali menentukan. Walaupun mungkin anda sudah nyaman dengan biola pertama anda, pasti ada beberapa bagian yang akan anda ganti atau upgrade. Misalnya senar dll. Sebagai orang yang awam, kita masih buta akan suara biola yang di idam-idamkan. Butuh proses menemukan suara yang enak di telinga anda. Alangkah sayangnya ketika biola yang kita beli dengan harga mahal dan harus dijual murah karena tidak sesuai dengan suara biola yang kita inginkan.

Jadi anda sebagai seorang pemula seperti ini harus membeli Student Violin seperti apa ?

Hal pertama yang harus kalian lakukan yaitu siapkan budget yang pas dengan dompet anda. Karena setau saya harga biola student itu berkisar antara Rp. 600.000,- sampai Rp. 1.500.000,-. Ada beberapa merk terkenal yang biasa digunakan oleh pemula untuk belajar biola seperti hofner, cremona, steiner, skylark, dll. Sebagian buatan cina dan buatan eropa, ini tidak masalah karena untuk ukuran Student Violin kualitas biola cina tidak kalah dengan eropa. Sebagai pemula alangkah baiknya untuk mengajak orang yang lebih tahu tentang cara memilih biola yang tepat. Misalnya guru musik atau teman anda yang sudah memainkan biola lebih dulu. Hal ini dikarenakan biola mempunyai ukuran-ukuran tertentu dan disesuaikan dengan bentuk tubuh anda, jadi harus lebih teliti.

Selamat menggesek ria!!! Semangat!!!

Terkait : Tips Membeli Biola Yang Baik Dan Benar, Biola Terbaik, Cara Membeli Biola Yang Baik Dan Benar, Saran Membeli Biola, Beli Biola Bagus

Free Download MP3 NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama

Free Download MP3 NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama - Here are the Top Rated Indonesian song can be downloaded here with a note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original on the Original CD shops in your town.

Free Download MP3 NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama

Info :
Group Band : NOAH
Name : Tak Lagi Sama
Quality : 128 / 320 kbps

Download :

Related : Free Download MP3 NOAH - Tak Lagi Sama, download tak lagi sama, NOAH

Peterpan - Semua Tentang Kita Lyric

"Semua Tentang Kita"

Peterpan - Semua Tentang Kita Lyric

Waktu terasa semakin berlalu
Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita

Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati

Reff :

Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka saat kita tertawa

Teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita

Related : Peterpan - Semua Tentang Kita Lyric / Lirik, Lirik Lagu Peterpan Semua Tentang Kita 

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