Saxophone Lesson Playing Your First Note On The Sax

Saxophone Lesson Playing Your First Note On The Sax

We're going to try to make our very first note with the sax now. You don't need to press down any of the keys - it's just a simple matter of controlling your mouth and lungs.

With the mouth positioned as outlined in Lesson The Mouthpiece, now place the tip of your tongue on the tip of the reed and in a gentle 'spitting' motion, draw it backwards, releasing air into the instrument.

The air blows over the reed, causing it to vibrate and (hopefully) producing a tone!

What to do if it doesn't work :

First off - be patient!
Blow a little harder - if you blow too soft, the reed will not vibrate.
If you make nothing but squeaks, try slightly adjusting your mouth muscles, watching and listening for any improvements.

Take a deep breath before each note and try to hold it for as long as possible. Read more about breath control in our next lesson.

Related : Saxophone Lesson Playing Your First Note On The Sax, Playing Your First Note On The Sax Saxophone

Saxophone Lesson The Mouthpiece

Saxophone Lesson The Mouthpiece
Saxophone Lesson The Mouthpiece. Getting the right set up of mouthpiece and reed is essential to good sax playing. There are a huge variety of saxophones, mouthpieces and reeds out there, so it's well worth getting a qualified person to help you out with the right set up.

There are however some things you can check for yourself :
The reed should be centred squarely on the mouthpiece
The tip of the reed should be level with the tip of the mouthpiece
You may find adjusting the ligature slightly up or down improves the air movement through the reed.

Mouth Position 

Draw the lower lip back over the teeth
Rest the reed lightly on the lower lip
Make sure the jaw muscles are relaxed
The upper teeth rest gently on the mouthpiece - without biting! 

Related : Saxophone Lesson The Mouthpiece, The Mouthpiece Saxophone

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.5

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.5
Sebelumnya saya sudah share tentang Tips Vokal Ampuh  No.1No.2, No.3, & No.4
Kali ini Tips Vokal Ampuh No.5 :

  1. Duh masih aja banyak yg bilang kalo ga ganteng/cantik ga bisa jadi penyanyi :-/ plis deh...
  2. Percaya deh, kualitas tidak bohong. FYI, penampilan public figure di media itu juga pake usaha... Ada makeup artist, hairstylist, dll.
  3. Berpenampilan pantas dan enak dilihat sudah jd tanggungjawab performer. Krn performance panggung mengandung visual juga.
  4. Penyanyi2 pro yg penampilan "kinclong" di TV, pernah bayangin mereka saat bangun tidur pagi2 tanpa makeup dan kostum panggung ?
  5. Mereka juga orang biasa. Yang juga pekerja yang profesional. Kalo kita mau "kinclong" juga bisa dgn sedikit usaha.
  6. Lihat aja acara2 make over di TV. Orang berpenampilan biasa2 bisa berubah jd kinclong.
  7. Poinnya adalah, jangan berburuk sangka duluan tentang profesi penyanyi vs penampilan.
  8. Penampilan mah gampang bisa diatur hire aja stylist yg jago. Yang utama untuk pendengar tetap karyanya, musiknya.
  9. Jangan berburuk sangka.
  10. Jalin "connection" dengan pendengar lewat musik dan karyamu. Itu yg betul2 nyata.
  11. Gini lho, memang ada perusahaan rekaman yg hunting orang2 berpenampilan model untuk dijadikan artis, konteksnya bisnis, jualan.
  12. Tapi ayolah, hari gini gitu lho... Bermusik ya bermusik aja, ga perlu mendewa2kan perusahaan rekaman. Berkarya aja dulu yg bagus :-)

Terkait : Tips Vokal, Tips Vokal Ampuh No.3, Tips Vokal Jitu, Tips Vokal Hebat, Tips Vokal Terbaik

Shania Twain - From This Moment On Lyric

"From This Moment On"

Shania Twain - From This Moment On Lyric

(I do swear that I'll always be there.
I'd give anything and everything and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow,
for better for worse, I will love you with
every beat of my heart.)
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up Lyric

"I Won't Give Up"

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up Lyric

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not, and who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up, still looking up.

Well, I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

Basic Harmonica Technique 1

Basic Harmonica Technique 1

Make a note by blowing. The very first thing to practice with your new instrument is making a note. Pick a hole or a set of holes on the mouthpiece and blow gently into them. Neighboring holes are typically designed to harmonize with each other automatically, so try blowing into three holes at once to make a pleasing sound. Practice switching between only playing one hole, and playing chords on multiple holes.

  • This type of playing is called “straight-harp” or “first position.”
  • As you might suspect, the number of holes you blow through is partly controlled by your lips. To allow greater control over the notes you play, you'll eventually learn to use the blade of your tongue to block holes as well. This is covered later.

Related : Basic Harmonica Technique, Make a Note by Blowing Harmonica

Learn To Read Harmonica Tablature

Learn To Read Harmonica Tablature

Learn To Read Harmonica Tablature. Like guitars, harmonicas can be played by following tablature, which reduces the notes on a sheet of music down to an easy-to-follow system of holes and breath patterns. Tablature is useful for larger chromatic harmonicas as well, but it differs somewhat from diatonic tablature, and is less common.

  • Breathing is marked by arrows. An up arrow indicates a breath out; a down arrow indicates a breath in.

Most holes on a diatonic harmonica produce two “neighbor” notes on a given scale; thus playing C and then D on the same scale is accomplished by blowing into the appropriate hole, and then drawing in from the same hole.

  • Holes are marked with a number, starting from the lowest (left-hand) tone and moving upward. Thus, the lowest two notes are (up) 1 and (down) 1. On a 10-hole harp, the highest note would be (down) 10.

Some notes on a regular 10-hole harmonica overlap, notably (down) 2 and (up) 3. This is necessary to allow proper range for playing scales.

  • More advanced techniques are marked with slashes or another small mark. Diagonal slashes through the arrows indicate that note bending (covered later) is required to get the proper tone. Chevrons or slashes on chromatic tablature can also indicate whether or not to hold the button in.

There isn't a standardized system of tablature that's used by all harmonica players. However, once you practice and get comfortable reading one type, most other types will make sense to you quickly.

Related : Learn To Read Harmonica Tablature, How To Read Harmonica Tablature, Harmonica

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.4

Tips Vokal Ampuh No.4
Sebelumnya saya sudah share tentang Tips Vokal Ampuh No.1, No.2, & No.3
Kali ini Tips Vokal Ampuh No.4 :

  1. Jangan bertanya makan apa supaya suaranya bagus. Tapi dengerin musik apa, belajar dan latihan apa, supaya nyanyinya enak.
  2. Kapan dinamika di atas/bawah, kapan ujung frase panjang/pendek, kapan ada penekanan dalam ucapan, dll. Semua itu didikte oleh lirik lagu.
  3. Ekspresif dalam bernyanyi itu jangan dibuat2, melainkan harus datang dari pemahaman penyanyi akan isi lirik lagu.
  4. Bernyanyi dapat melancarkan sirkulasi oksigen dalam darah dan juga dapat membakar kalori di tubuh.
  5. Jika kita nyanyi dengan nyaman, yang dengar juga akan nyaman. Bagaimana caranya nyanyi dengan nyaman? Dengan banyak latihan.
  6. Pola pikir dalam bernafas coba diubah dari "menarik" nafas menjadi "membuka jalan" untuk udara "jatuh" ke dasar paru2. Langsung beda
  7. "Ngetop" hanyalah citra. Yang nyata itu penyanyi yang punya pendengar setia. Berkarya sebaik mungkin dengan tulus.

Terkait : Tips Vokal, Tips Vokal Ampuh No.3, Tips Vokal Jitu, Tips Vokal Hebat, Tips Vokal Terbaik

Piano Lesson Five : More Piano Chords

Piano Lesson Five : More Piano Chords

Piano Lesson Five : More Piano Chords.
Click here ! for piano lesson onetwo, three, and four.
More About Piano Chords:  Today we are going to get our heads around forming chords. We will illustrate just how a chord can be built on any note at all.
So far, we have dealt with Major Chords, but as you will see in the next exercise, there are other chords which appear when you build chords on every note of a scale.  These chords, the Minor chords, and the diminished chords,  have a different quality of sound to the Major chord.
In these following diagragms, we have named the chords as they fall naturally on the notes of the C Major scale.  We have notated these chords for you in both the Treble Clef, and the Bass Clef.
Play these chords on your piano or keyboard.  It is really very easy, as once you have your hand locked in the chord position which uses 1, 3, 5 of the fingers, missing one note between each played note, you simply move the hand up the keyboard from note to note, from chord to chord.
Piano Lesson Five : More Piano Chords
Note that the major chord has a distinct pattern to its formation:  if you look at the keyboard at the top of our page, visualize the major chord on C.  This starts on note C which counts as the first note of the chord.  However, from the C to the C# counts as one semitone. Count all the black notes and the white notes as semitiones (half tones)From C# to D counts as the second semitone.  D to D# counts as the third semitone. D# to E is the fourth semitone.
The C major chord consists of the notes C, E, G. Of course, E is the second note of the C major chord.  So we see that this is exactly 4 semitones away from C, the root note.  From E, we count up only 3 more semitones to the G, which is the third note of the chord.
A Major Chord ALWAYS uses this formation, 4 semitones up from the root note gives you the middle note of the chord, and 3 semitones higher still gives you the top note of the chord in its root position.
This means that you can build a Major chord on any note at all, without any knowledge of whether the chord should use ‘black’ notes.  You can work out these chords by logic yourself, using this formula of semitone sequences.
There is a magic formula for the Minor Chord too – you might be able to work this out for yourself if you play one of these Minor Chords, and analyse it.  We will discuss the formation of a Minor Chord in another lesson.  For now, just work on getting acquainted with Major Chords and how to formulate them yourself.
Sequence of Major and Minor Chords with one Diminished Chord: So – here is the diagragm of the sequence of major and minor chords as they fall in a major key – any major key.  The diminished chord falls on the seventh degree of the scale. The same sequence of chords will occur on ANY major scale, and EVERY major scale,  no matter what the beginning note is.
In a major scale, the patterning of chords is always:
Note that the Minor chords which fall on the 2nd, 3rd and 6th degree of the scale, have a plaintive, sad quality about them compared to the Major, which is bright and cheerful.
You can see that there are only THREE major chords which are formed on the notes of a major scale.  These are the first chord, or TONIC chord, and the ones on theFOURTH and FIFTH degrees of the scale.  These are very important chords which are known as the PRIMARY TRIADS.
PRIMARY TRIADS appear on the same points of a Minor scale, on the first degree, the fourth and the fifth, but so far we have not explored the minor key as yet.
The Primary Triads, that is, the chords on the first, fourth and fifth degrees of any scale, form the basis of harmony as we know it in the Western world. These three chords, the  chords built on the first, fourth and fifth degrees of a scale, are the mostcommonly used in all our music, no matter what the genre:  Church music,  nursery rhymes, folk songs, classical music, and popular music all use the Primary Triads more than chords built on the other degrees of the scale.
For practice, I want you to write in the two notes of the chords above the root note in the diagragm below.  We are using  the  scale of C Major in the Treble Clef.  After completing the chord formation, I want you to write in the type of chord below each chord:  Describe whether it is Major, Minor or Diminished.
Piano Lesson Five : More Piano Chords
Now your theory practice is to write in the chords above the notes of the G Major scale.  Again, write in the type of chord underneath each chord after you have completed them. Remember that the same sequence applies as for the C Major Scale, so look at that for the clues.
Piano Lesson Five : More Piano Chords
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Piano Lesson Four : Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures

Piano Lesson Four : Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures

Piano Lesson Four : Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures.
Click here ! for piano lesson one, two, and three
On Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures.
Hello How are you all going? Keeping up your daily  practice is the main thing.
Don’t worry if you do not ‘get’ everything the first time we mention a new term.  There will be plenty of time, and plenty of opportunity, for us to go over all the main musical terms again.
This is just great, to have moved onto learning about sharps, flats, and key signaturestoday.
Now – to refresh your memory on the Scale of C. Remember that the Scale of C does not have any black notes in it. We play all white notes in the scale of C, from one C up to the C an octave higher.
Because the scale of C does not use an ‘accidentals’, which are sharps or flats, and it therefore does not use any ‘black’ notes, we say that it has no sharps or flats in its key signature.
The key of C Major has no sharps or flats in its key signature. The scale of C Major has no sharpened notes, or flattened notes.
What is a Sharp? – The sharp sign looks like this – # It is the sign which, when put directly after a note, means that you play that note a semitone higher. This means that an F# will be played on the black note, directly to the right of the white F note.
Look at the diagram on our header at the top of the page. You will see also that F# is actually the same note as Gb. How is this?
Well – The flat sign does the opposite to a sharp sign. A flat sign lowers a note by one semitone. If you were to play B flat, or Bb, then you would play the black note directly to the left of the white B note. The b sign would flatten the note by one semitone, or one half note.
So now you see why F# plays the same note as Gb. This is called an enharmonic change. When you call a note by its ‘other’ name, it is an enharmonic change, though it still sounds like the same note. There is a reason for these notes to have this duality, and it is all to do with key signatures.
Key Signatures define the key that you are playing in. The key signature is found at the left side of the stave, where the sharps and flats are indicated.  The key signature defines the key which you will be playing in.
The key signature tells you what notes will be played sharp or flat throughout the whole piece.
If there are no sharps or flats, then your piece will be in either the key of C Major, or A Minor: these are the only two keys which do not have a key signature.
We are not going to look at the minor keys at this stage. Just major keys.
For instance, you can play the piece Twinkle Twinkle Little Star beginning on the note C.
It will go like this in the key of C Major:
C C G G A A G —F F E E D D C.
Or – if that key is too low for you, then you can move the key up a bit. You can begin a song, or a piece of music, on absolutely any note.
It’s just that if you play the piece Twinkle Twinkle Little Star beginning on any other note than C, then you will have cause to use black notes, as C Major is the only scale which has no sharps or flats. The key signature of C  Major is the only major one which has no sharps or flats.
If you play your piece Twinkle Twinkle Little Star beginning on the next note, D, then you will have to play an F# instead of F when you come to the F#. That is because the scale of D major has F# and C# in its key signature.  This means that every time an F, or a C is played in D Major, they will be automatically played as sharps, as this is written in the key signature.  Like scripture. D major uses those two black notes in its scale, so these two notes, F# and C# are defined in the key signature.
‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ will go like this in the key of D Major:
D D A A B B A —-G G F# F# E E D

Piano Lesson Four : Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures

So – if you see TWO sharps in the key signature at the left of your stave of music, then the piece has to be in the key of D Major, or B Minor. There is only one major key for every key signature, and only one minor key used for every key signature.
This means that you can look at a key signature before you start your piece. You will be able to identify what key the piece is written in, just by looking at the key signature.
It is really such a logical system. At first, you may not ‘get it’, but do not panic. It really does not matter, because we will reiterate this information in different contexts throughout these lessons. More will be done to explain it all in future lessons.
For now, just accept that C Major uses no sharps or flats in the scale, and so it has no sharps or flats in its key signature.
Also accept that  D Major has two sharps, F# and C# in its key signature: this means that every time you come to an F or a C, it will be played as a sharp note on the black note directly above these notes.
Here is a diagram of a little ditty written in the key of  C Major in the Treble Clef…

Piano Lesson Four : Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures

And here is the same little ditty written in the key of D Major in the Treble Clef…
Play both these tunes now.
So – now you have a basic  insight into how sharps, flats, and key signatures work. We will study more  about  scales  and their key signatures in the future  lessons, which will further your understanding of today’s lesson.

Piano Lesson Four : Sharps, Flats and Key Signatures
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Piano Lesson Three : How To Play Piano Chords

Piano Lesson Three : How To Play Piano Chords

Before we learn Piano Lesson One & Piano Lesson Two. Now, lets learn Piano Lesson Three : How To Play Piano Chords.
Hello Everybody – I hope that you are having fun learning to play the piano. I hope, too, that you are all keeping that practice up, and that you are  getting to know your way around the keyboard.
In the first lesson you learned how to play the Octave, and in Lesson Two, we covered theScale of C Major.  So now you can play the Scale of C Major in both the left hand and the right hand- using the correct fingering. Best to keep these separate until you have learned the fingering inside out.
You have also learned how to read the notes of the Scale of C Major on the Treble Clef, and also on the Bass Clef.
That’s just great. Already, you can play Octaves, the Scale of C Major, and you can read music. You are doing very well.
This is Lesson Three, on How To Play Piano Chords.
In just a moment, we are going to learn how to play the Major Chord on C.
First, before we try to play this chord, What Are Chords?:
Chords are fascinating things. They are used all the time in guitar music. If the guitarist strums the guitar, then he/she is playing chords on the guitarIf you get the music sheet for a song, such as a Beatles tune, then you will see letter names above the melody, all along the way throughout the tune. These letter names are the names of the chordswhich are used in the song. These chords can be played either on the guitar, or on the piano. 
You will find that understanding how chords are formed musically will help your understanding of music overall. Understanding how chords are formed will enlighten you as to  how music is shaped. Chords represent the basis of the  musical system we use today, which is all about harmony.
Chords which harmonise are the sounds which back all those favorite melodies we love to sing or listen to.
Playing Chords: Being able to play  chords on the piano will be of enormous benefit to you,  as this will give you the ability to accompany  your own melodies, or to accompany other people when they sing. You will be able to play chords when somebody plays along with you on their guitar.
How to Play the Chord of C Major on the Piano.
The key of C Major has no black notes, and so it has no sharps or flats, which we will find out about later. For now, just accept that C Major is a simple key to play in, because it does not use any black notes.
So, let us see what the chord of C Major looks  like when it is written on the stave, in the key of C: Here is a diagram of the Chord of C Major written on the Treble Clef, or ‘G’ Clef.  The first chord is using Middle C as the tonic note, or root.  The second chord is still a C Major chord, but it is written an Octave higher.
Piano Lesson Three : How To Play Piano Chords
So – What Do You See?  How is this C Major Chord Formed? You can see that the notes are formed with one note left out in between each note which is played. On the treble clef above, you see the note C at the bottom, with a line through it. The next note of the chord is the E, which is on another line. The third note of the Major Chord on C is the G note.
Play these three notes together, which are written on the stave:  – C, E, G.
Great – You are now playing the Major Chord on C - the notes C, E, and G.
Now, let’s look at the notation for the left hand. Here is the Bass Clef, or F Clef, with two examples of the  chord of C Major notated. The first example is written an Octave below Middle C but the tonic note, or root of the chord, is still C. The second chord is an octave higher, using Middle C as the root note, or tonic note.
Piano Lesson Three : How To Play Piano Chords
It is such a logical system. Now look - the ‘root’ of the chord is the lowest note, the note which the chord is formed on, when it is written in its 1st position, like these examples above.
You will have spotted that if the first note is on a line, then the other two notes forming the major chord will also be on a line. They will take the next two lines immediately above the root note of the chord.
You will have spotted that if the ‘root’ of the chord is on a space, then the other two notes which form the chord are on the spaces directly above the first note, the root note of the chord.
So it is on the piano/keyboard: To form the major chord on C, you play the C, miss a note, play the E, miss a note, then play the next note, the G.
Practice playing the C Chord with the right hand.
Practice playing the C Chord with the left hand.
Play them often, and try to get the fingers to come down on the notes evenly, so that the notes are played all at the same time. This will become easier with practice, as your fingers will become more strong given time. When your fingers have developed strength, then your technical ability will have improved, and you will be able to play these notes altogether, without difficulty, and with a nice even sound.
So – now you can recognise the Chord of C when it is written on the stave. You also canplay the C Chord on the piano.
How to Form the Chord of F Major on the Piano:
Now – we are going to learn how to play the Chord of F Major. The formula to play the F Chord  is exactly the same as playing the C Chord. ….the play a note, miss a note, play a note, miss a note, play a note…..routine, using the F note as the root, or the base of the chord. In the right hand, we will use our thumb on the F note.In the left hand, we put our little finger on the F and build the chord up from there…………
So now we will build the F Chord
Right hand first: The thumb will be on the F note. Miss the G note, Play the A note with your 3rd finger. Miss the B note. Play the C note with your little finger, the 5th.
There you have it – the F Chord in the right hand. This is how the F Chord looks on the stave, in the Treble Clef. We have given you two different placings of the F Chord in the Treble Clef. They are an Octave apart from each other.
Now, here is what the F Chord looks like in the Bass Clef. We have again shown you two different placements of the chord of F. They are an Octave apart from each other, as you can see.
To play the F Chord in the left hand:
You will put your little finger, the 5th, on the F note. The 3rd finger of the left hand will take the A note, the thumb of the left hand will take the C note at the top of the chord.
Practice For the Next Few Days:
Read the chords which we have notated for you. These are just the two chords, on C Major, and on F Major. Play them all. Get familiar with these chords. Get good at moving from one chord to another quickly, with ease, so that you can play the chords without faltering.
Piano Lesson Three : How To Play Piano Chords
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